Guides for Using These Ideas
How do we get better? Let me share some resources from my books - including book club guides and flowcharts you can use everyday.
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A Book Club Companion
A Teacher's Guide to Supercommunicators in the Classroom
A guide to using these ideas
A guide to the How Do We Feel? conversation
A guide to the What's This Really About? conversation
A guide to the Who Are We? conversation
The book's endnotes
The Power of Habit
5 Tips to Keeping a New Year’s Resolution
How to Design a New Year’s Resolution That Lasts
A Guide To Changing Habits
A Teachers Guide to Using The Power of Habit in Your Classroom
How to Change a Habit Flowchart
How to Create a Habit Flowchart
Q & A with Charles Duhigg on The Power of Habit
How to Break Habits
Smarter Faster Better
How to Build a Better To-Do List
Endnotes from Smarter Faster Better